Peace of mind and preventative healthcare
Many pets will develop lumps and bumps over their lifetime. Some turn out to be benign while some are more sinister, including cancer.
Our lump and bump check helps you to keep your pet healthy while saving you cash.
If you discover that your pet has an unexplained lump, getting them checked out as early as possible is crucial for the best outcomes.
If there is an issue, the sooner we can catch and remove it, the less likely cancer will spread or secondary health concerns can develop.
If it is benign, you’ll have the reassurance of knowing your pet is safe.
We believe this is so important that we’re offering our lump and bump check for just £33 – that’s less than half price compared to our standard consultations.
And of course, members of our Best Buddy Unlimited™ don’t have to pay a thing.

My pet has a lump. What are my options?
Our lump and bump check is designed to encourage you to get a professional opinion sooner so we can catch any issues early and treat them before they spread.
In some situations it’s possible for us to tell the difference just by observing and feeling the bump, so we choose to either send a sample of the bump tissue to a lab for testing, or to remove it via surgery preemptively.
While a biopsy is cheaper than surgery, bear in mind that surgery may be necessary after the results of the biopsy, in which case you will have to pay for both, meaning surgery to remove the lump straight away may be the best option and less stressful for your pet.
Depending on the size and location of the lump, the surgery can vary in complexity, but we will talk you through our recommendations when you visit us in practice.
The most important thing is to gain reassurance and to identify potential health issues early before they have a chance to spread.
Contact our team via PetsApp if you have any questions.